What a wonderful end to the academic year at Symphony Dance School culminating with our 24th Summer School and show. Yet another great success. The children were outstanding as it was extremely hot and tiring for them but the enthusiasm and discipline they showed was a joy to see and also to teach.
Whilst on the subject of summer schools, next year will be our 25th anniversary and by way of a celebration we will be inviting any of our past pupils to join us, either with choreography or dancing. We are nominating Miss Vicky with her expertise on social media for this task. The date for your diary is week commencing Monday 22nd July 2019 and we hope that many of you will join us to celebrate this landmark.
At the end of last term all our intermediate modern students gained a distinction in their exam and at the beginning at the summer term all out grade modern children took their exam with 96% gaining a distinction. We have had ballet exams throughout the year – again achieving very high results.
Well done to all our students, we are very proud of you.Keep up the good work and look forward to seeing you all in September.