Latest News
Welcome to our news section where we post the latest from our business.
New classes starting after October half term
NEW PRE SCHOOL (Babies ballet) - age from 2 1/2 to 4 years. STARTING: On FRIDAY 14th September LOCATION: At Kempsey Parish Hall TIME: 2:30 to 3:00 (trial lesson free) NEW MODERN CLASS - age from 4 to 6 years. STARTING: On FRIDAY 21st September LOCATION: At Kempsey...
The 24th Summer School and show
What a wonderful end to the academic year at Symphony Dance School culminating with our 24th Summer School and show. Yet another great success. The children were outstanding as it was extremely hot and tiring for them but the enthusiasm and discipline they...
Summer school news
Once again the beginning of the school holiday heralds the start of our annual Summer School. The emphasis for the children to have a good time whilst enjoying the love of dance. From the first day every age group worked relentlessly to remember and produce several...
Exam results news
Congratulation to all the children who took ballet exams this term. Wonderful results once again with 85% gaining a Distinction and the rest of our pupils being awarded high Merits. Well done! More news to follow soon...
Telford Dance Festival Success!
We have just come back from Telford Dance Festival and are so proud of our students' success once again. They got placed 1st, 2nd or 3rd in nearly all the sections that they entered with all our groups placed 1st or 2nd. The most wonderful end to the festival was...
Happy New Year for 2017!
We hope all our pupils and their parents have had a wonderful Christmas, and we wish you a very Happy New Year! We ended the term on a high with a super festival, winning both Senior A Classical Group and Senior B Cabaret Group amongst many other things. Hoping to...
Another very successful term!
We received marvellous exam results in both Ballet and Modern Dance, with 100% of pupils gaining a Merit grade or higher. 90% of pupils gained a Distinction in ISTD Modern work with all of our pupils taking their Major exams receiving a distinction. Brilliant feedback...
News from the Christmas term
Whilst the rest of the world were losing their minds, rushing around shops desperately making their way through the ever daunting Christmas list, members of Symphony dance school and associated supporters and followers had the pleasure of two full weekends of dance at...
Welcome to our news section
Welcome to our news section Check back regularly for the latest news and tips from Ablecare carpet and oven cleaners.
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