summer dance school 2016We received marvellous exam results in both Ballet and Modern Dance, with 100% of pupils gaining a Merit grade or higher. 90% of pupils gained a Distinction in ISTD Modern work with all of our pupils taking their Major exams receiving a distinction. Brilliant feedback was received from the examiners, with strong praise given regarding unset dance choreography and performances.

We ended the term with our annual Summer School and Summer Show. Once again it was enormous success with four days of hard work and lots of fun culminating in a fabulous ‘Moon and Stars’ themed performance. We received lovely feedback from a number of the parents, many commenting on how impressed they were with the high standard of our senior

pupils. A huge thank you to our senior girls, we are so proud of you all! And of course a massive thank you to all our wonderful pupils, you are all a credit to Symphony. Finally we would like to thank all the parents and grandparents for their continuous support throughout this year.